About us

Here is a selection of videos and articles that concerned us.

From the cathode ray tube

Newspapers, blogs and other publications

Touring Italy: da via Verdi all’Acetaia San Giacomo

Touring Italy: from Via Verdi to Acetaia San Giacomo

Le Monde: le differenze si sentono

Le Monde: you can taste the difference

Andrea Bezzecchi: The Real King of Balsamic Vinegar

Andrea Bezzecchi: The Real King of Balsamic Vinegar

Acetaia San Giacomo Best Overall Balsamico and Best Saba

Acetaia San Giacomo Best Overall Balsamico and Best Saba

Best DOPs and Best Condimento

Best PDOs and Best Condiment

La sfida dell’aceto balsamico. Così Modena ha perso la partita

The challenge to balsamic vinegar. So Modena lost the game

Gambero Rosso

Gambero Rosso

Sulle tracce dell’aceto

Retracing vinegar

Siate Acidi (in cucina)

Be acidic (in the kitchen)

Si fa presto a dire aceto balsamico

It doesn’t take long to say balsamic vinegar